Friday 10 February 2012

What a week *sigh*

Sorry for the lack of posts this week.

The family has been taking turns getting sick. Miss.V started feelin like crap on sunday and stayed home from school for 2 days then  Rye got a cold and still battling it. And of course the girls have projects for school and there was a mistake on the assignment sheet so instead of the projects being due monday they are due today. Gotta love last minute homework. Miss.S and I(mostly me, thanks school for giving my nonfocused hyper 4 year old a project) just finished hers and I took a blow dryer to it to make the glue dry faster. Totally worked and her project is ready to go! I'm smart like that ;)

During our awful week our friend Ben stopped by one evening for a visit. He was talking about work then told us how he walked into work the other day to find this:

Poor Alvin :(

I swear I will have more interesting stuff to post in a bit but Rye is on the move and determined to trash my house with Miss.S and being a responsible parent I must stop them.

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