Monday 16 January 2012

Swords vs. Guns

So for a while now hubby and I can't seem to agree one one thing. Should he get a gun or should I get a sword. Well I made a list of uses for each weapon and think he should buy me a sword. I found one with a pink handle!! I know amazing right?

So here we go!

Uses for guns
1) Act Macho holding it ( I seriously saw guys doing this at the range)
2) join a club
3) hunt

Uses for Swords
1) Hunt - Thats right I would hunt with a sword because im badass
2) chop fruits and vegetables ex. zuchinni
3) Act awesome by doing fancy swinging motions
4) knock down items that cannot be reached - I'm 5'2 so this seriously would come in handy
5) Carve a large roast
6) Pick up dirty laundry
7) Slay dragons - I know I say im waiting for zombie apocalypse but we should be prepared for dragons too. A gun would not be an appropiate weapon for dragon slaying, its just a ridiculas idea and not done. EVER.
8) Fighting zombies - gun makes too much noise and would only attract more zombies.

So even though my choice of weapon would obviously be the better choice neither one of us will get what we want...mostly cuz i have no money for either of those things or money to pay for proper storage( don't want the kids getting at dangerious stuff). Plus hubby would need to pay for a little card and papers saying he's allowed one. I got lots of dangerious toys laying around on the floor for zombies, dragons and intruders to trip on so we can get a head start on running. Does your family have a plan?

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