Friday 13 January 2012

I've got my knight in shining dragon scales

My husband has a history of injuring himself while playing sports at work. Well today was no different. No he did not dislocate his shoulder again or bang up a leg. He got hit in the face with a ball and his glasses cut him (glasses are highly dangerious and should be worn with caution). Being a good loving and comforting wife I told him that for his suffering today he was getting a BIG bowl of chili when he gets home and then I told him that I should send him to work in protective gear and bubble wrap from now on. This was his response.
"riot gear would be best, and a weapon to fend off invaders!!! then i can take down dragons and wear their scales as armour!!!"
This is why I married him <3


  1. haha. pics are a must you know. lol

    1. ahaha I wish. seriously waiting for a dragon to stop by for a slaying but its just not happenin for me. And my mom read the swords vs gun post and told me that im not allowed to slay dragons because its dangerous. I was thinking that she meant I shouldnt because their cute. We obviously have 2 very different opinions.
