Tuesday 3 April 2012



Anyways now that I have a new modem and laptop is starting to like life again I have returned. Apparently I'm missed here by a number of people and have recieved harrassing messages to come back and write unimportant shit that doesn't make sense to half the world but enjoyed by a few weirdo's :P

Shall we do a little boring update?

Miss.V Is doing well and a bit of a smart ass recently(I dunno where she gets that from...).  She has had to deal with a bully at school recently and has handled herself well during the tough time and I'm very proud and want to stick my toung out at the bully and go "nanananana my kid is better than you" but havent because I'm a responsibleish person who is setting a good example for the kids. But seriously bullying is a terrible issue in the schools and we all need to work together and teach our children how to protect themselves aswell as teaching them to be nice to others(even if they don't like someone).

Miss.S is doing fantastic and amazes me everyday. She's socializing more and working hard with school work.

Rye is FINALLY walking and starting to talk....in a babbling non clear sort of way.

Nick and I started growing our vegie garden indoors a few weeks ago and the plants are growing super fast so I'm hoping for warmer weather soon so I can transfer them outside. This year we are growing cucumber, tomato, peas, parsnip, corn, lettuce and of course parsley because it makes all the other foods taste even better.

In other news I'm trying to convince Nick that we need a toilet monster because our doodoobird and pink sparkly skull that stalk the toilet are lonely. Nick being awesome then suggested a demon for the house aswell. Funny enough we saw a toiletpaper holding demon at the farmers market on saturday and I'm thinking someone should buy it for me for my upcoming birthday and everyone will get use out of it. Its the most logical birthday gift for me. Some people may not appreciate toilet roll holders but they suck and don't deserve presents.

Alright Nick is texting me and thats distracting me from my thoughts and im sure hes only making me text because im tired and can no longer spell and im sure he's at his desk giggling at my unintentional horrible messages. Later.

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